French Diet Myths: What French Women Really Eat – s2ep34

In this episode of The Life of a Bon Vivant podcast, Beeta debunks myths about the French diet. She explains what French women actually focus on and do to maintain their figures, and it may not be as magical as you think! Beeta encourages listeners to rethink the misconceptions around the French diet and appreciate the mindful approach to eating and living in France.To join our 2025 retreat waitlist:

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  1. Thank you this was wonderful. I have read books with titles like French Women don’t get fat, etc. And though many of them make sense, it is really a mind set. The US attitude towards food varies of course but it is such that it makes it hard for those of us who genetically put on weight easily. I think your over all point is to be ‘mindful’ of what you eat, how you eat it and how much you eat. And that is doable no matter what a person’s Food attitudes are. Thank you for this, I appreciated all the insight.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Angela! And yes, exactly. I think sometimes people think that the French can eat whatever they want and remain slim, and this is just not the case. Of course, in any society, you always have those who are genetically “blessed” in this department and can seem to eat more indulgent things with less negative effect than others, but the average French woman has to be incredibly mindful to maintain her slim figure, like other women around the world. 🙂

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