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the life of a bon vivant Podcast
Paris is always a good idea!

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Who’s the Host
Francophile, optimist, and enthusiastic croissant eater.
As a Francophile and someone who picked up her life and moved it halfway across the globe to live in Paris, Beeta is more than a dreamer. She is also about holding onto a vision and seeing it come to life in your reality.
Learn more about Beeta’s story and background.
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Listener Favorites
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season 1 Episode 42
forget fad diets and get healthy the french weigh with karen gombault
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season 1 Episode 41
only being available to what delights you with wendy harrop
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Have you made the move to Paris? Or maybe you make frequent trips there? Bought a pied-a-terre? Started a French-themed business? Share your story with our listeners!