Blueberry Galettes Recipe with Lemon Cream Strawberry Swiss Roll Cake Recipe Lemon Tart Recipe (Tarte au Citron) French Macarons Recipe Step by Step Leek Soup Recipe (Potage Parmentier) French Crepe Recipe Pasta with Asparagus, Peas, and Fava Beans Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting Pain Perdu with Fresh Strawberries (French Toast) Ham and Cheese Pastry (Feuillete au jambon) Strawberry Galette with Sliced Almonds (Rustic Strawberry Pie) French Lentil Salad with A Soft-Boiled Egg Asparagus Tart (Tarte aux asperges) Chocolate Crepes with Raspberries and Cream Oranais aux abricots (French Apricot Pastry) Puff Pastry Turnovers Salted Caramel Crepe Cake Pasta with Asparagus Sole Meunière Crème d’Asperges (Asparagus Soup) Chocolate Puff Pastry with Strawberry Cream Friands Recipe Flaugnarde aux Fraises Orange Raspberry Trifle Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce Raspberry Lemon Hand Pies Panettone Bread Pudding for Mother’s Day Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting Bakery Style Blueberry Muffins Braided Bread Recipe with Fresh Berries