Scrambled Eggs with Truffle. French-style eggs with delicious truffle paste! Recipe via

Scrambled Eggs with Truffle (Brouillade aux truffes)

This time of the year is when the French start to get real fancy with their food and incorporate seasonal truffles. Everyday foods like scrambled eggs suddenly become sophisticated scrambled eggs with truffle. 

I love how the French can take a seemingly mundane food like eggs and elevate them into a luxurious breakfast experience. Because that’s what these gently scrambled eggs with truffle truly deliver. 

Traditional French Scrambled Eggs with Truffle

Scrambled eggs can be done a variety of ways, but the French traditionally make them really soft and creamy. Surprisingly, they do this without the use of cream. 

A traditional egg brouillade (which translates to scrambled in French) is made in a double boiler type of setup. The eggs are whisked in a bowl set over a small pot of simmering water, whisked until the eggs have curdled but not to the point where they’ve lost their creamy nature. 

Scrambled Eggs with Truffle. French-style eggs with delicious truffle paste! Recipe via

How I Cook My Eggs

Personally, I enjoy soft-scrambled eggs, but prefer their texture when they’re more on the cooked side than soupy side. I achieved these fluffy scrambled eggs with truffle by cooking my eggs in a pan over low heat. 

The key to keep the eggs soft and fluffy is to gently stir the eggs with a wooden spoon over low heat the entire time it’s cooking. I also add a splash of milk, which always helps keep that softer consistency. 

Scrambled Eggs with Truffle. French-style eggs with delicious truffle paste! Recipe via

Using Truffle

For the truffle part of these eggs, the French traditionally use fresh truffle shavings. Several hours before preparation, they crack the eggs open in a container, add the truffle shavings, and then let the eggs absorb the truffle flavor. 

Since fresh truffles can be expensive and hard to come by, I use the next best thing, which in my opinion is [easyazon_link identifier=”B01K38UQXO” locale=”US” tag=”monpetitfour-20″]truffle paste[/easyazon_link]. A tiny bit of truffle paste is all you need to infuse your scrambled eggs with lovely truffle flavor. Don’t be surprised if your mornings get a whole lot better because of these scrambled eggs with truffle.

Scrambled Eggs with Truffle. French-style eggs with delicious truffle paste! Recipe via

Scrambled Eggs with Truffle

Yield: 1
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

French-style scrambled eggs with truffle paste for a luxurious breakfast. 


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1/4 tsp truffle paste
  • pinch of salt


  1. In a medium bowl, crack open the eggs. Add the melted butter, milk, a pinch of salt and truffle paste. Give the mixture a gentle whisk with a fork just to slightly blend.
  2. Pour the batter into a saucepan over low heat. Use a wooden spoon to continuously stir the eggs over low heat until they're cooked and fluffy.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 1 Serving Size: 1 Servings
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 255

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Scrambled Eggs with Truffle. French-style eggs with delicious truffle paste! Recipe via

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  1. Oh my! You got me at TRUFFLE paste. Seriously, I love scrambled eggs and make it often. Though I know next time I am going to add some truffle paste in there. Happy holidays my friend. <3
    PS: Just had breakfast yet I am craving this now. 🙂

  2. So luxurious! There are some mornings where nothing (and I mean nothing) is as comforting and happy-making as a few well-scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. After seeing this, I have a feeling tomorrow morning will be one of those… 🙂

    1. Hi Douglas! Thanks for asking – I forgot to include a link to the specific truffle paste I use, but the post should be updated now with the information. I order mine off Amazon from the brand Villa Ronzan. 🙂

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