rachelle ramirez podcast episode

Wearing Rose Colored Glasses with Rachelle Ramirez – s1ep16

In this episode, Rachelle Ramirez, certified Fora travel advisor and trained NLP life coach, joins Beeta for a discussion on differences between the French and American lifestyle. They discuss how the French tend to approach daily living, and how Rachelle has incorporated many of their practices into her own life thanks to her years of living in France and being married to a French man. Rachelle shares how her previous career in city planning has contributed to her love of cities, especially Paris, and how she eventually transitioned into her current work. travel planning and life coaching, to spend more time with her family.

To visit Rachelle’s website and learn more about her services: https://delavierose.com/

To follow Rachelle on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Rachelledelavierose/

To learn about the Atelier Parisienne program: https://www.monpetitfour.com/atelier-parisienne/

To reserve a ticket for the next Paris retreat: https://www.monpetitfour.com/atelier-parisienne/

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